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Web 3.0 Technology - How Does It Differ From Web 1.0 And Web 2.0

Web 3.0 Technology
Web 3.0 Technology

What is Web 3.0 technology?

Recently, the word 'Web 3.0' has been a topic of discussion in the news, which is being seen in the context of the emergence of the next phase of the Internet.

The term Web 3.0 was first used in 2014 by Gavin Wood, the founder of Ethereum, to refer to the possible emergence of the third phase of the Internet, which would be distinct from Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

It has the potential to decentralize the Internet using platforms such as Blockchain technology, edge computing, cryptocurrencies.

This will eliminate the need for intermediaries to enable peer-to-peer interaction between Internet users. In Web 3.0, Internet users will have control over their data, whereas the tech giant currently controls various Internet platforms and data.

In Web 3.0, these Internet platforms will be based on decentralized autonomous organizations. The DAO will make the rules of the Internet platform transparent to all users so that the Internet can be decentralized.


Web 3.0 Comparisons with Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

Web 1.0 marks the first phase 1989–1999 of the Internet, which was based on one-way interaction and users, could not comment.

Web 2.0 was introduced in the late 1990s as a two-way interaction layer in which users were able to comment post and create content.

The current phase of the Internet is Web 2.0 which is based on platforms controlled by intermediaries like Google, Facebook, etc. In Web 2.0 these intermediaries control the data and the platform.

Blockchain technology in Web 3.0 will eliminate the need for intermediaries enabling peer-to-peer interactions. Blockchain technology is a decentralized public ledger in which information is recorded digitally. In this technique, it becomes difficult or impossible to change, hack or defraud the system.


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