Key Points

Difference Between Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur

In the world of business, there are a variety of roles and titles that individuals can hold. Two commonly misunderstood terms are "Entrepreneur" and "Intrapreneur". Understanding the difference between entrepreneur and intrapreneur is crucial for anyone interested in business and innovation. While both roles involve taking risks and pursuing new opportunities, they operate in different contexts and have distinct goals.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between entrepreneur and intrapreneur, as well as how their roles and responsibilities differ within an organization. Whether you are considering starting your own business or seeking to foster innovation within an existing organization, gaining clarity on these terms is essential. Read on!

Difference Between Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur
Difference Between Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur


📖 Topic Of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Entrepreneurship
  1. Intrapreneurship
  1. Differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
  2. Conclusion
  3. FAQs



Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in driving economic growth, job creation, and social development. It empowers individuals to make their mark, create wealth, and contribute to the betterment of society. Let us look at the following four points to understand the concept of entrepreneurship.


Definition of an entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is an individual who takes initiative, possesses the ability to identify and exploit opportunities, and creates or manages a business venture. They are typically willing to take on risks and uncertainties to bring about innovation, create value, and achieve growth and success.


Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur

  1. Passion and drive: Successful entrepreneurs have a burning desire to solve problems and create something new. They are highly motivated and committed to their vision, which helps them overcome obstacles and persist in the face of challenges.
  2. Risk-taking: Entrepreneurs are often willing to take calculated risks. They understand that entrepreneurship involves uncertainty and are willing to step out of their comfort zone to pursue their goals.
  3. Creativity and innovation: Successful entrepreneurs are continuously seeking opportunities to innovate and improve existing processes or products. They can think outside the box and come up with unique ideas that set them apart from competitors.
  4. Resilience: Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with ups and downs. Successful entrepreneurs are resilient and can bounce back from failures or setbacks. They learn from their mistakes and use setbacks as opportunities to grow and improve.
  5. Strong work ethic: Entrepreneurs often work long hours and are willing to put in the necessary time and effort to turn their vision into reality. They are highly determined and have a strong sense of discipline and dedication.
  6. Flexibility and adaptability: Successful entrepreneurs are willing to change course or pivot if necessary. They understand that the business landscape is constantly evolving and are open to new ideas and opportunities.
  7. Strong leadership skills: Entrepreneurs are often responsible for leading teams and making important decisions. Successful entrepreneurs have strong leadership skills, which include effective communication, problem-solving, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.
  8. Financial acumen: Understanding financial aspects such as budgeting, forecasting, and managing cash flow is crucial for entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs have a strong understanding of the financial side of their business and make informed decisions based on it.
  9. Networking: Building a strong network is crucial for entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs understand the value of connections and actively seek out opportunities to network with others in their industry. They know that building relationships can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and potential customers or investors.
  10. Continuous learning: Successful entrepreneurs are lifelong learners. They seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences that can help them improve their business and stay ahead in their industry. They are open to feedback and are always looking for ways to expand their knowledge and improve their skills.
  11. Time management: Entrepreneurs often have multiple tasks and responsibilities to juggle. Successful entrepreneurs have strong time management skills and can prioritize and balance their workload effectively.
  12. Self-discipline and motivation: Being an entrepreneur requires self-discipline and self-motivation. Successful entrepreneurs can set goals for themselves and stay focused on achieving them, even in the face of distractions or setbacks.
  13. Customer-centric mindset: Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of putting the customer at the center of their business. They strive to understand their customers' needs and preferences and are dedicated to providing excellent customer service.
  14. Problem-solving: Entrepreneurs are problem solvers by nature. Successful entrepreneurs can identify challenges and find effective solutions. They are resourceful and adaptable in their approach to problem-solving.
  15. Positive attitude: Entrepreneurship can be challenging, but successful entrepreneurs maintain a positive attitude. They have a can-do mindset and believe in their ability to succeed. They approach problems and setbacks with optimism and see them as opportunities for growth and improvement.


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Examples of successful entrepreneurs

There are many but here we are considering the list of 10 best entrepreneurs in the world. Let's see their details.

  1. Elon Musk: The co-founder of PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, Musk is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. He has revolutionized the electric car industry with Tesla and aims to make space travel accessible with SpaceX.
  2. Oprah Winfrey: From humble beginnings, Oprah Winfrey went on to become a media mogul. She is the founder of the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) and Harpo Productions. Her talk show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show," was one of the highest-rated TV shows in history.
  3. Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder and CEO of Facebook, Zuckerberg started the social media platform from his Harvard University dorm room. Today, Facebook has billions of users worldwide, making Zuckerberg one of the youngest billionaires in history.
  4. Richard Branson: Branson is the founder of Virgin Group, which includes over 400 companies across various industries. From Virgin Records to Virgin Atlantic Airways, his entrepreneurial ventures have made him one of the most recognizable and successful business figures.
  5. Sara Blakely: Blakely is the founder of SPANX, a billion-dollar shapewear company. Starting with an idea she had in her 20s, Blakely built her business from scratch and became the youngest self-made female billionaire in the United States.
  6. Jeff Bezos: Bezos founded Amazon as an online bookstore in 1994, and it has since grown into one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world. His innovative ideas and customer-centric approach have made him one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet.
  7. Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple Inc., Jobs played a crucial role in transforming the technology industry. His vision and innovation brought us iconic products like the iPhone, iPod, and Macintosh, shaping the way we use technology today.
  8. Arianna Huffington: Huffington is the co-founder of The Huffington Post, which grew to become one of the most-read news and opinion websites globally. She is also an author and advocate for well-being and work-life balance.
  9. Reed Hastings: Hastings is the co-founder and CEO of Netflix, the world's leading streaming service. Under his leadership, Netflix disrupted the traditional media landscape and became a dominant force in the entertainment industry.
  10. Bill Gates: Co-founder of Microsoft, Gates played a significant role in popularizing personal computers and revolutionizing the software industry. His entrepreneurial success has made him one of the wealthiest individuals globally and a prominent philanthropist through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Challenges faced by entrepreneurs

There are many but here we are looking at the main challenges faced by entrepreneurs in their business journey:

  • Securing enough capital to start and grow a business, as well as effectively managing finances, can be a major challenge for entrepreneurs.
  • Entrepreneurs often have to face intense competition from established companies or other entrepreneurs offering similar products or services.
  • Entrepreneurs typically have to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities, making time management a critical challenge.
  • Finding and attracting skilled employees who are the right fit for the company culture can be a challenge, especially for small businesses with limited resources.
  • Getting the word out about a new business and acquiring customers can be difficult, especially without a large marketing budget.
  • Staying ahead of the curve and continuously innovating products or services can be a challenge for entrepreneurs, as market demands and customer preferences can change rapidly.
  • Scaling a business can bring new challenges such as maintaining quality standards, managing increased demand, and ensuring the right infrastructure is in place.
  • Understanding and adhering to various rules and regulations can be daunting for entrepreneurs, particularly in highly regulated industries.
  • Keeping up with the ever-evolving technology landscape and integrating new technologies into the business can be challenging, especially if entrepreneurs lack technical expertise.
  • Balancing personal life and work commitments is often difficult for entrepreneurs who become deeply invested in their businesses, leading to prolonged working hours and increased stress levels.


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Intrapreneurship enables companies to adapt to change, explore new horizons, and foster a culture of creativity and growth. Here we explore the definition of an intrapreneur, their characteristics, and the challenges they face. Let's understand the concept of Intrapreneurship.


Definition of an intrapreneur

An intrapreneur is an employee within a company who exhibits entrepreneurial behavior and mindset while working on the organization's projects, products, or initiatives. They are typically proactive, creative, and risk-takers who identify opportunities for innovation, problem-solving, and growth within the company. Intrapreneurs often challenge traditional norms and drive positive change within their organizations, acting as internal entrepreneurs. They may develop new products/services, implement process improvements, lead new initiatives, and take ownership of projects to drive organizational success.


Characteristics of a successful intrapreneur

  1. Proactive and self-motivated: Successful intrapreneurs are dedicated and take the initiative to identify and pursue innovative opportunities within their organization.
  2. Strong problem-solving skills: They are skilled in identifying and analyzing problems, and coming up with innovative and effective solutions.
  3. Risk-taking attitude: Intrapreneurs are comfortable with taking calculated risks and are willing to challenge the status quo.
  4. Collaborative mindset: They are good team players and can effectively work with others to achieve shared goals.
  5. Excellent communication skills: Successful intrapreneurs can effectively communicate their ideas and gain support from others.
  6. Adaptability and resilience: Intrapreneurs are flexible and can adapt to changing circumstances and handle setbacks and failures with resilience.
  7. Creativity and innovation: They can think creatively and come up with fresh and innovative ideas.
  8. Leadership qualities: Successful intrapreneurs possess strong leadership skills and are able to inspire and motivate others to support their vision.
  9. Business acumen: They understand the financial and market dynamics of their organization and can effectively navigate the business landscape.
  10. Continuous learning mindset: They are committed to personal and professional growth and actively seek out opportunities to learn and develop their skills and knowledge.


Challenges faced by intrapreneurs

Intrapreneurs face many challenges within an established organization, some of the major challenges they face are:

  1. Resistance to change: Intrapreneurs often encounter resistance from both colleagues and management who may be resistant to new ideas or initiatives. Existing processes and systems may hinder the implementation of new approaches, making it difficult for intrapreneurs to bring about innovation.
  2. Risk-averse environment: Most organizations prioritize stability and minimize risks. Intrapreneurs, on the other hand, thrive on experimentation and taking calculated risks. Being in a risk-averse environment can stifle creativity and restrict the intrapreneur's ability to implement innovative ideas.
  3. Limited autonomy: Intrapreneurs often face limitations in decision-making authority, as they operate within an existing organizational structure. This can slow down the implementation process and may limit the intrapreneurs' ability to fully execute their ideas.
  4. Balancing priorities: Intrapreneurs may find it challenging to balance their regular job responsibilities with their intrapreneurial projects. Existing workloads, deadlines, and obligations can often impede the intrapreneurs' ability to dedicate sufficient time and effort to their innovative ideas.
  5. Lack of recognition and support from peers: Intrapreneurs striving for change and innovation may face resistance or lack of understanding from their colleagues. They may experience a lack of recognition or support from peers who do not share the same mindset and may be skeptical about the potential benefits of their initiatives.
  6. Overcoming bureaucracy: Established organizations often have bureaucratic structures and processes that can hinder the implementation of new ideas. Intrapreneurs may find it challenging to navigate through complex hierarchies and obtain the approvals required to move forward with their initiatives.

Overall, intrapreneurs must navigate through various internal challenges to successfully drive innovation and change within their organizations.


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Key Differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur

Entrepreneur and intrapreneur are two different terms used to describe individuals involved in different types of business activities. Here are some of the key differences between the two:

  1. Ownership: An entrepreneur is someone who starts and owns their own business or venture, while an intrapreneur is an employee within an existing organization who acts like an entrepreneur within the company.
  2. Risk: Entrepreneurs take on significant risks as they start their own businesses, including financial risks, while intrapreneurs operate within the safety net of an established organization, reducing their personal risk.
  3. Autonomy: Entrepreneurs have complete autonomy and decision-making power over their own businesses, while intrapreneurs typically operate within the confines of the organization's goals and strategies.
  4. Resources: Entrepreneurs need to provide their own resources and funding for their businesses, while intrapreneurs have access to the existing resources, assets, and infrastructure of the organization they work for.
  5. Innovation: Both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs focus on innovation, but entrepreneurs have the freedom to pursue any idea or opportunity they see fit, while intrapreneurs may be limited to pursuing ideas that align with the organization's existing business model.
  6. Longevity: Entrepreneurs typically build their own business from scratch and strive for long-term sustainability, while intrapreneurs may move from one project to another within the organization or switch companies, depending on the opportunities available.
  7. Scale: Entrepreneurs have the potential to scale their business and create significant growth, while intrapreneurs are usually focused on improving and expanding their current organization's operations within a predefined scope.
  8. Accountability: Entrepreneurs are solely responsible for the success or failure of their business, while intrapreneurs are accountable to their superiors within the organization and may not bear the same level of personal responsibility.

Overall, while both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs exhibit an entrepreneurial mindset and focus on innovation, the key difference lies in the context of their activities, level of risk, ownership, and the resources available to them.



Both entrepreneur and intrapreneur share a passion for innovation and problem-solving, but there are notable differences between the two. Entrepreneurs are more independent and have complete control over their businesses, while intrapreneurs work within the structures of existing companies.

The motivations for both groups are also different, with entrepreneurs driven by personal vision and autonomy, and intrapreneurs motivated by career advancement and the chance to make a significant impact within their organization.

Both entrepreneurial paths have their advantages and challenges, but understanding the distinctions is crucial for individuals considering either option.

By sharing this knowledge, you can inspire others to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset in their professional endeavors.


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FAQs On Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur

What is the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth?

Entrepreneurship fuels economic growth by creating jobs, fostering innovation, increasing productivity, driving competition, creating wealth, promoting regional development, and contributing to government finances.

What is the difference between entrepreneur and manager?

Entrepreneurs are more focused on starting and growing a new venture, taking risks, and being innovative, while managers are responsible for efficiently managing and executing existing operations within an established organization.

What is the difference between entrepreneur and enterprise?

An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business, while an enterprise is a business itself. The entrepreneur is an integral part of the enterprise as they establish and lead it toward success, but an enterprise can exist independently of any specific entrepreneur if it has a diverse management team or is owned by multiple shareholders.

What are the similarities between entrepreneur and intrapreneur?

1. Both are driven by a strong desire to innovate and create new opportunities, 2. Both aim to add value to the organization or business they are associated with, 3. Both assume risks and take the initiative to implement their ideas, 4. Both have a degree of autonomy and independence in their roles.

What is the difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?

An entrepreneur is an individual who embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship and engages in the activities associated with it.

What is the primary difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur?

Entrepreneurs are independent individuals who establish their businesses, while intrapreneurs work within established organizations to promote innovation and drive growth.